Sai Soft Technologies is a leading provider of Internet solutions with services such as Multimedia and Design Solutions, Web Designing, Electronic Catalogue CDs, Software Development, CD Authoring & Hardware Solutions. Sai Soft Technologies is a leading provider of Internet solutions with services such as Multimedia and Design Solutions, Web Designing, Electronic Catalogue CDs, Software Development, CD Authoring & Hardware Solutions.
Website Designing & Software Development Company.
Sai Soft Technologies is a leading provider of Internet solutions with services such as Multimedia and Design Solutions, Web Designing, Electronic Catalogue CDs, Software Development, CD Authoring & Hardware Solutions.
Sai Soft Technologies is a leading provider of Internet solutions with services such as Multimedia and Design Solutions, Web Designing, Electronic Catalogue CDs, Software Development, CD Authoring & Hardware Solutions.
Sai Soft Technologies is a leading provider of Internet solutions with services such as Multimedia and Design Solutions, Web Designing, Electronic Catalogue CDs, Software Development, CD Authoring & Hardware Solutions. Sai Soft Technologies is a leading provider of Internet solutions with services such as Multimedia and Design Solutions, Web Designing, Electronic Catalogue CDs, Software Development, CD Authoring & Hardware Solutions.
Sai Soft Technologies is a leading provider of Internet solutions with services such as Multimedia and Design Solutions, Web Designing, Electronic Catalogue CDs, Software Development, CD Authoring & Hardware Solutions. Sai Soft Technologies is a leading provider of Internet solutions with services such as Multimedia and Design Solutions, Web Designing, Electronic Catalogue CDs, Software Development, CD Authoring & Hardware Solutions.

Sai Soft Technologies is a leading provider of Internet solutions with services such as Multimedia and Design Solutions, Web Designing, Electronic Catalogue CDs, Software Development, CD Authoring & Hardware Solutions.
Web Promotion
E-Mail Campaigns

We can provide you with enormous database of people interested in your websites as a part of your website promotion campaign. It is an excellent way to promote online. What needs to be remembered is that e-mail campaigns are different from spamming. Spamming is sending mails to people who are unknown, by way of origin or interest areas. Spamming has a very low turn around rate, very few visitors are likely to take your mail seriously.

Alternatively, E-Mail campaigns are sent to targeted users who have shown interest in receiving mails. These databases are available with sites, e.g. while registering for Hotmail or Yahoo the last but one screen prompts the user for information on his interest areas and also asks the user if he would like to receive mails in his selected areas of interest. Over a period of time, such sites have a database of users which has been classified as per their areas of interest and geographic location.

These databases can be purchased for a price and then bulk mails sent to the target audience. SstDesigns has a Bulk Mail Software available that allows you to send personalized HTML content to thousands of people, a much better option than sending a BCC to your users.

Interested? Order your copy today, mail us at or contact us.

::::::::: About Us :::::::::

Mission / Vision ¦ The Team ¦ Skill Set ¦ Why SstDesigns

::::::::: Offshore Development / Outsourcing Projects :::::::::

::::::::: Our Portfolio :::::::::

Corporate Sites / E-Commerce Solutions ¦ Flash Web Projects
Multimedia Corporate Presentations / Interactive CDs

::::::::: Our Products & Services :::::::::

«-- Web Solutions --»
Website Design ¦ Flash Websites ¦Website Maintenance ¦ Web Hosting

«-- Web Promotion --»
Search Engines ¦ Banner Advertising ¦ E-Mail Campaigns ¦ Reciprocal Linking

«-- Multimedia --»
Interactive CDs ¦ Flash Websites

«-- Corporate Identity --»
Logo Design ¦ Brouchere Design ¦ Corporate Image Building

«-- Software Development --» | «-- Networking Solutions --»

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